7pm outside Campus West (near ticket machines at car park exit) every Tuesday during winter months
One long and one short course. The long course mostly follows the short course, but with the addition of extra loops to add distance and height gain.
The Principle
Nobody runs alone, except by choice and we keep safety in mind at all times.
This means:
- We run at the pace of the slowest.
- We are mindful of our own safety and that of others.
- Aim for a minimum of 2 runners starting each course. If one person chooses to run a course solo, they are wholly responsible for their own safety. But the design of the 2 courses can enable opportunities for keeping in contact.
- No pressure on anybody to drop out.
- If somebody chooses to drop out, walk, or take a short cut, we all still meet back at Campus West unless there is another clear and safe plan.